Monday, April 25, 2011

Inspirational Animals, Part One

I have to say, drawing these guys never gets old.

2010 Was a Weird Year For Drawing

All I really have to say at the moment is that 2010 was a weird year for my drawings. I think I made some stylistic breakthroughs, which I'll probably elaborate on some more, but I feel like this particular ink sketch/study/whatever you want to call it really started some kind of breakthrough into a new style for me.

This drawing lead directly to this drawing

And then crazy weird shit like this started happening

...and that's sort of 2010 represented in three drawings. There are a lot of intermittent drawings which will show up in posts under relevant topics, but it's funny to look back on an entire year and sum up your artistic developments so succinctly.

Some Poster Artwork...

This is a poster I made for a Nightlands show this past winter at the ever-so-elusive Philadelphia venue the Ox.

It's pretty funny, if you go to that link for the Ox, you'll see some other poster that was made by some Ox in-house "designers" after my poster was already made and used. I guess since I didn't use Helvetica the Ox family vetoed it. I could give a shit. I'm just glad Nightlands likes it.

There are a few important elements in this poster that I'd like to point out, and one is this wolf that I tried to draw, which turned into a sleeping Tasmanian Devil. Another is the weird 1960s modular vacation home scape that morphed out of his back. I think this particular brand of architecture can serve as material in some future drawings.